Saturday, December 1, 2007

Popping Our Cherries

So the song is 'predator' by Ice Cube. It's an old commuting favorite.
It's approproiate to begin Jeffie and my blog with a little burst of aggression because that's what commuting is all about.
But like a samurai, the commuter always must hold his aggression in check, releasing it at opportune moments; much like
Ice Cube must have had to do during the filming of 'Are we There Yet'.

As fall approaches and there is a distinct nip in the air, the commmuters thoughts turn to an elusive goal-
That of being warm and dry on the bicycle while also arriving at a destination with suitable style and grace.
These are obtainable goals, reachable with a sartorial flare at your nearest thrift store, a utilitaarian choice for clothing that is sure to be rendered grease spotted and mystery-stained.

The trick is to wear wool. And lots of it.

I know, alot of douchebags roil around on douchy bikes with douchey leather carry alls that look like a good storage spot for anal lube like to wear wool and fetishize ancient wool jerseys.

I'm here to say that every douchebag must have begun with the kernel of a good idea. People can't be that stupid. I'm an optimist.

Okee dokee folks, the first entry...ack! Fortunately, I have a tasty subject: the steel-framed, commuting-love machine that is my brand new bike, the Surly Cross Check. With all apologies to my lovely fiancĂ© KT, if my Surly came equipped with a pair of tits, I’d gladly spend my days dry humping it.

Why the Cross Check? Well, I know twit and diddly bout bikes…so I take my counsel from Harry, who has the hot and bothereds for the Surly Long Haul Trucker, a lovely sounding bike, but one that no ny shop seems to have built and ready to test. I am a wee man and would like to fit on my $1000 toys.

Now, the Cross Check happened to be built up and test-ready at a few Shamhattan shops...and it sounded swell for my bike needs: I commute, I take the sporadic outer-city toodle and even the stray long-distance tour. I took a test ride and was mightily tempted: sturdy but not sluggish; not exactly zippy, but hardly sluggish.

Ever the careful consumer, I dropped the good folks at Surly a line to ask about the LHT vs. CC; they kindly replied with a fair but fairly spoogy take on the Cross Check. Add it all up and I was a deeper shade of convinced: I bought the damn thing!

Since I am prattling and have barely ridden the bike, I will spare you a full review. But so far, I am deeply dippy. DEEPLY.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I did not actually need any more evidence proving that you are both fucking insane. But your blog has provided it nonetheless. Huzzah!