Friday, August 1, 2008

If the first rule of successful blogging is to write regularly then we suck big time.

But we DO NOT actually suck. No siree! Like some big old sperm whale, life sprang out of the cold blue waters and plum swallowed us up. Really!

To wit: I got married, bought a house, made a lot of waffles, launched a couple of web sites, pondered untold imponderables and did my meager best to help a few friends through some troubled times.

Lame excuses perhaps, but they sure did take up a lot of freakin time.

Fortunately, we still managed to ride our bikes...A LOT!

In fact, I even rode my bike to my wedding. And I rode it FROM the wedding, just-married decorations and all.

Please please please come on back soon. We are raring to post all sorts of awesome about the suddenly trendy sport that is biking about New York City. REALLY!