Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Kent Avenue Bike Lane Smackdown That Wasn't

Have you ever been to a Community Board meetings? If not, let me tell you something: they are not sexy.

I was freaking geared up for a BIG smackdown over the Kent Avenue bike lane. But,my righteous fury fizzled mighty quick: the meeting kicked off with a wonkapalooza presentation about waterfront zoning. As a biker and card-carrying-bearded-liberal-dude, I know I should be in to such stuff, but dudes and dudettes it was a wonkfest that led most everyone to ponder their navel fuzz.

Said discussion nudged the hot button Kent Ave issue to nearly 7:45pm. If that wasn’t enough to dull a biker’s anger, there was also a noticeably different dynamic from last month’s Transportation Town Hall. Simply put, there were many bikers there and they got up and made some lovely, impassioned please for the lane. To that, I can only say: YIPEEEE!

The other difference was…well, let’s just say it: there were far fewer Hassidim at the meeting. I don’t write this to suggest that the Hassidic community is the enemy here—they got very legit beefs and I certainly want them to feel comfy with the lane. But there were but a handful in attendance and, during my time at the meeting, they didn’t raise a peep against the bike lane.

What gives?

One thing might be that the folks behind the Brooklyn Greenway have been working diligently, if quietly, with DOT and the community to address concerns about parking and stopping and other very understandable sore points. The result has been more parking spots and some other reasonable sounding changes. You can get the full scoop at the Brooklyn Greenway’s website. Full disclosure: I work on the site...I am shameless little mofo!

Back to the meeting! There was also a classic Community Board fuss to sort of distract everyone: the unceremonious ouster of longtime CB1 Transportation Board Chair Teresa Toro. I will not comment on said fuss, save to say that it direct you to our more informed friends at Streetsblog

All that aside, there were some voices raised against the lanes, largely from Kent Avenue residents and business owners. Some of the beefs sounded very legit (business owners have to shlepp a bit to get deliveries, which sure seems like a pain if your deliveries are of any weight). Other beefs--having to walk to cross the street, wanting the bike lane ONLY on the west side—sounded a might less pressing to this chap.

What’s next? I am curious to see if DOT’s changes make folks happier. And I also wonder if more can be done to aid Kent Ave business owners. I did think that Milton Puryear from Brooklyn Greenway Initiative (the stewards of the Greenway) made a great point: we are all gonna have to accept some changes as well as some things that are less than ideal. I am game to do that if the final result is a safe lane that leads me to South Brooklyn and others to some nice new parks.

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